When most people envision the future, they imagine things like flying cars, sleek, techno-enabled cities, and clothing that doesn’t use zippers or buttons (for some reason). However, we’re currently living in the sci-fi future that previous generations could only dream of – all thanks to the growing prevalence of AI.
Fortunately, artificial intelligence isn’t the demonic bogeyman that pop culture has made it out to be. No sinister robots, no global network trying to kill all humans. Instead, machine learning has enabled businesses and other organizations to improve the customer experience. In some cases, these advancements have happened so seamlessly that it’s hard to imagine how we functioned before AI.
So, with that in mind, we want to take a look at how artificial intelligence is disrupting the user experience – both today and into the future.
#1 Improved Personalization
Modern consumers are much savvier than those from previous decades and generations. Because customers have so much information at their fingertips (i.e., product reviews and competitor pricing), they want authenticity more than anything. Not only does this mean transparency from the business, but it also includes customization. Niche marketing is much more productive these days because your message can resonate better with smaller groups.
AI is leading the charge in customer personalization, thanks to a variety of advancements and techniques. One of the most valuable has been predictive marketing. As companies gather data about shoppers and their habits, they can craft unique ads and promotions based on behavior.
Best of all, because customers see that their interests and values are addressed, they are much more likely to develop a stronger bond with a brand. Consumer loyalty is at an all-time high, thanks largely to AI.
#2 Better Customer Response
Gone are the days of calling a business and waiting on hold for hours on end. While this shift has made it harder to write sitcom episodes, consumers everywhere are breathing a sigh of relief. Artificial intelligence enables brands to respond to customer queries and complaints, thanks to tools and systems like:
- Self-Service – Shoppers who don’t want to deal with a pushy salesperson can navigate menus and options much faster with a virtual assistant. Advanced AI can also learn to respond to various questions and provide answers.
- Multi-Channel Access – when a business can use machines to respond to customers, it’s easier to “staff” things like instant chat, text, and email. Consumers can reach out through various channels and get an answer, which creates a better experience overall. Better yet, virtual assistants never have to go to sleep, so a business can always have “someone” online and ready to chat.
- Programmed Positivity – even the best call center employee can get annoyed and frustrated at times. AI, however, cannot. Brands never have to worry about an irate customer creating an issue or demanding a refund.
#3 Seamless Integration
Although smart homes are not the norm now, they will be in the future. The Internet of Things (IoT) enables consumers to connect a wide array of products and systems within their homes for maximum convenience. Assistants like Alexa or Google Home can control everything from lights to door locks to the ambient temperature.
Beyond smart homes, AI assistants are also being utilized by other businesses. For example, customers can ask Alexa to schedule a bank transfer or order products online. In the future, almost everything can be run through these systems, allowing users to have a fully immersive AI experience. Rather than doing things themselves, they let machines take care of the details.
A side note on IoT integration, though – businesses will need to figure out how to merge convenience with privacy concerns. Currently, we can’t have it both ways, as AI can’t learn everything about a person while keeping that information private. As data leaks and ID theft continues to grow, these issues will become more and more prescient.
#4 Improved Decision-Making
Machine learning is only becoming a thing because of big data. Living in a high-tech world means a wealth of information – too much to be processed manually. Fortunately, AI can do it in a fraction of the time, providing digestible and easy-to-understand analytics.
For businesses, this data mining and analysis helps them make better decisions. Rather than going off of gut instinct or intuition, companies can utilize AI to make informed judgments. While this process isn’t perfect yet, it will only continue to improve as the technology does.
In the future, brands can avoid massive failures and setbacks, all thanks to AI helping them understand everything from consumer trends to industry changes.
Bottom Line: AI is Shaping How We Live
No matter what, everyone living in modern society is benefitting from AI in some fashion. As brands continue to embrace the benefits of this technology, our lives will only rely on machines more and more. Thankfully, based on current trends, we shouldn’t have to worry about a robot uprising (for a few more decades, at least).